I made Serenity some felt pink and red fortune cookies for Valentine's Day tonight.
These are so quick to make (no sewing!), and cheap - it'll only cost you pennies!
Great little gifts for your kids to give to their friends too!
I found the Valentine's Day Chinese take-out box in the $1 section at Target.
One piece of craft felt was 29¢ at Michael's, and it's big enough to make 6 fortune cookies.
For a cute Valentine's Day gift:
Scrunch a sheet of pink and red tissue paper and put them in the take-out box.
Now put 6 red and 6 pink fortune cookies on top.
Total price?
Less than $2!
Materials needed:
1 1/2" red & pink felt circles
1/4" white twill tape
glue gun & glue stick
lighter or fray check
(I pinned a circle template to the felt to cut my circles)
(Sorry - I've left a few things out of my picture!)

Cut pieces of twill tape around 1 1/2" long and apply fray check or use a lighter to seal the ends.
Glue the twill strip at a slant to the top half and kinda off to the side of the felt circle.
Next, apply a thin string of glue to the top part of the circle as shown by the arrows in the picture:

Fold the circle in half and pinch until the glue sets.
Fold again in half in the direction the arrow is pointing in the picture:

Add a strip of glue halfway down the inside of the fold.
{I used a clothespin to hold it in place, and went on to the next cookie until I got to this step again. By then, the glue on the first cookie had set.}

Holding the felt cookie just like I am in the picture, fold back the top.

Pull back the fold you just made, and add a dot of glue.

Pinch until the glue sets.

All done!

I hope y'all like my newest felt food!
I tried to make them as kid-friendly as possible - Serenity is three and still kinda rough with her toys!
Substituting the twill tape for some Valentine's Day ribbon would be really cute - I couldn't find any at Hancock today, but maybe I should check at Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby.
Michael's had plastic Christmas take-out boxes on sale for 64¢.
I bought a couple of red striped ones that could pass for Valentine's Day boxes, and they are more durable than the $1 ones I got at Target.
Or you can use Lit'l Brown Bird's Passion's Felt Chinese Take-Out Box tutorial to make your own Valentine's Day take-out box!
Also, using 1/4" red ribbon with the pink cookies and 1/4" pink ribbon with the red cookies would be beyond cute - don't cha think?!
I used twill tape in the fortune cookies 'cause I was going to transfer little Sweet Tart Valentine candy sayings to them (just like you'd do to make your own clothing labels), but then I decided to just write them instead.
Well that didn't work at all, the ink bled everywhere.
Who knew?
I've never used twill tape before, so I certainly didn't!
I ended up leaving them blank 'cause I thought that was cute too.
Anyway, tonight I tried to print little sayings on some fabric sheets I already had - but after twenty minutes of trying to get ONE sheet to go through my printer, I finally gave up.
I could've tried ironing freezer paper to the back of muslin, but since the fabric sheets wouldn't go through my printer, I figured that method wouldn't work either.
So I ended up just cutting the fabric sheets into 1/4" w x 2" l strips and wrote the Sweet Tarts sayings in pink and red ink - and that method ended up being the quickest and easiest to do!
Whatcha' think?

More felt foods I've made:
Felt Bow-Tie Pasta
Felt Agnolotti Pasta
Felt Tortelloni Pasta and Tin
NO-SEW Felt Cheese & Spinach Ravioli
Felt Eggplant Spinach & Tomato LasagnaI hope y'all like this latest felt-food addition!
Have fun!

Thank you for this!! I had not thought of doing these for Valentine's day! These will be perfect to give to Jenna's class.
These are awesome. I love them.
I just recently discovered your blog and LOVE it. You are so creative and I can't wait to try some of your projects. I'll start with the fortune cookies for my son's class.
Thank you so much for sharing for those of us who can't come up with ideas on our own. :-)
I just made these over the weekend too!!! So fun! And thanks for submitting the feature form- I will keep it filed and definitely use it for my next feature! Your site is awesome!
i am the worst person to dare think they could make this? but I am wishing you sold them I would buy in a heart beat, I am a follower of yours lol I teach pre=k and I know a lot of teachers who would love your blog. come visit mine.
How cute, my girls would love these, you did a great job.
I have made the real thing, and i tell you after seeing how FREAKING ADORABLE these are, I will never waste my time (or burning my fingers) on edible ones. thanks so much and I am so going to blorrow (blog borrow) this asap!
Delicious! Anyone would love these for Valentine's! and from working at a school for many years it is a nice surprise from all the normal fair! Lezlee
These cookies are A-DORABLE! so sweet! I love it!
Awesome! These are definitely getting added to the list of things I'm going to make for my daughter's birthday.
Thanks for featuring my idea from last weeks "Treasures."
Now these are perfect for valentines this year. I would love to feature this tutorial. I will let you know when I have it up . Thanks for a fun idea.
Dang cute!
Super Cute! Can't wait to make some. I too just discovered your blog and love surfing it! Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Your "stinker" is so adorbable!
love them! They are on my to do list! Thanks!
Those are so cute. You are so on top of things and being ready for Valentines day already. I guess I need to start thinking about what I am going to do.
Hey Angie, I just put a McLinky up on my Felt Food Cook-Along if you want to add any of your links for your felt food. It's at http://helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/2010/01/share-your-felt-food.html
mmmm yummy :)
Wow! These are so cute! My daughter would love them. Thanks for the wonderful idea!
I tried your tutorial and whipped up a batch. Thank you so much for this idea and instructions. Your blog is wonderful.
SO dang cute! You are on a roll! So many cute projects! Thanks for sharing these all with me!
These are great, I love them!
Thanks for linking up with Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family!
Thanks for the awesome tutorial. My 11 year old will love to make these for her friends for Valentine's day!
Thanks for linking up today!
These look so cute. I know my daughter would love them for her kitchen...thanks for the link on check me out sundays
Adorable fortune cookies and I love your blog!
can anyone tell me which is the best counter strike guide ? :)...i found this one :
What do you remember beside it ?
Thanx in advance
Sorry for my bad english :s
Super cute! I love the felt foods! Thanks for linking up!
This is such a sweet idea! I have pinned this. Vicky from Mess For Less
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