Since I talked about the Senior pictures I took of LeAnn in two posts I decided to create a post with some of the pictures I took of her four years ago. These are the pictures Kelsey loves of LeAnn (me too!) and was always begging me to take some of her "just like LeAnn"! Unlike Kelsey, I had to make LeAnn pose for me! If I would've left the picture-making decision up to her, she wouldn't have let me take so many! Isn't that unfair?! That time, it was me begging her to keep shooting! I have no idea why - LeAnn is very photogenic and takes beautiful pictures!
The year LeAnn graduated was the year I got my fine Canon Digital Rebel XT 8MP Digital SLR Camera and ever since, I'm practically never without it! I haul it just about everywhere with me. It's gotten so beat up 'cause I'm not nearly as gentle with it as I should be. But despite all my abuse, it's still going strong and taking excellent pictures!
I've added a batttery grip (I highly recommend you buy one for your SLR!) and a unique Recycled Seatbelt/Vintage Marigold Camera Strap I got from a super store, Souldier Straps that I found on Etsy. They sell straps for guitars, cameras, and they even make belts! Go check 'em out.
I'm so proud of my camera (can you tell?!), I should take a picture of it - but what camera will do it justice? Maybe the Canon EOS 40D 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera I've been salivating over lately? Hmmmm..... it's a thought. Lol!
Anywho, here's some pictures of my beautiful girl, Yam (Serenity's nickname for her)!
All my pictures are taken outdoors since I don't have a studio or anything! So the picture of LeAnn standing in front of the horses is real! I had her climb up a ditch/embankment and pose pretty for me! Paige, my sister, is in the car; she was too scared to get out 'cause there were "No Trespassing" signs posted. Instead, she helped by saying, "Here horsie, horsie"! Too funny!
These were some of the last shots and LeAnn was getting so aggravated 'cause she didn't want to take pictures anymore. I snapped off the picture on the top left while she was fussing at me. I think it came out pretty neat! The one on the top right was also taken in-between her fussing at me. I'd interrupt her and say "Smile!" - so she'd stop her gripping and flash me a smile - then start right back up again! Lol! I enjoy picking on Yam a lot - it's so much fun! The picture on the bottom right is a real smile. As she was climbing down the train car, something me or Paige said made her smile so I got lucky when I captured this shot!
These were also taken by Terrebonne General under the overpass that goes across the Intracoastal Canal.
This one was taken in our backyard on top of a friend's old truck. I love this one!
Looks like I'll be taking Bethany's (Kelsey's older sister) pictures next!
I finally took Kelsey on her "just like LeAnn's" photo shoot yesterday. We had a nice time driving all over Houma and Thibodaux stopping at some really cool places to get great shots, and then we had a delicious supper at the new Chinese resturant in Houma.
The pictures came out good and Kelsey looks beautiful in every single one of them - of course! I told Kelsey she has to tell everyone that I'm awesome! Lol!
I have a feeling I'll be doing this again soon for a couple more of my friend's tweens...
Here's just a few of my MOST favorites 'cause this post would be waaaayyy too long if I tried posting all of them. And before I forget, I was right when I said in my last post that I would get tired of taking pictures before Kelsey got tired of posing for them. Good thing the sun going down allowed me to STOP and get some rest! Lol!
For well over a month now, I promised to sew a Tiered Flouncy Sundress by Tie Dye Diva & Monkeysbug (from YCMT.com of course!) for Lizzy using some really cute horse fabric from Hobby Lobby. I kept putting it off because it seemed something was always distracting me. I've been pretty busy lately, which is surprising 'cause I'm not usually! I've been going here & there everyday it seems for, like, ever. And when I do have a sewing moment, I've made things for Serenity and kept putting Lizzy's outfit on the back burner - which was so not fair to her since I promised to make it a long time ago (well over a month is like years to a tween). But she never hounded me about it. I know if I was in her place I'd be calling everyday wondering where my outfit was at!
A new week comes around, forever has gone by, and no outfit. Well her birthday was on Saturday and I knew I better get it done - or else, right? So, typical me, I waited until almost the very last minute and to zip together this very easy dress. That's the horrible part - it only takes a short time to sew it together! So anyways, it's now Thursday night, I got Serenity all tucked in bed, and I'm watching old episodes of Leverage (BTW, awesome show and the season 2 premier starts on July 15th) while I start on the dress. I'm in my "sewing zone" putting the pieces of the dress together, and guess what happens? I'm sewing the pieces together completely wrong! Ugh. It's a tiered dress, so that means the top pieces are smaller than the bottom pieces, and I was sewing it upside down! How in the fraking world did that happen? My zone was destroyed and I didn't get anymore sewing done that night.
Friday rolls around and I left the house around 4PM and didn't get home until almost 10PM. I took Serenity and Kelsey to Chuck E. Cheese's, shopping and ice cream at Baskin-Robbins. We had a great evening, but I knew I was going to be up late another night sewing. Finally, though, finally I got it all together and it came out so cute!
I LOVE courtneycourtney's dresses! I just can't seem to get enough of them! They are so cool, unique and VERY comfortable. Here's Serenity wearing her newest dress:
Isn't the dragonfly print just darling?! Courtney does all her own silkscreens and designs herself so it makes each dress special and a one of a kind find! Did you know she was Cool Mom Picks of the year for 2008?!
Her newest silkscreen design is a pair of orange cowboy boots. Of course, I had to buy Serenity a dress with the new design! You can check the dress out here. It's designed a little differently - it has little cap sleeves instead of flutter sleeves. I love the flutter sleeves because since it gets so hot down here in the summer, I figured the flutter sleeves would be cooler. But I really like the look of this dress, so I'll just let her wear something else on our hottest days. I'll have pictures up of Serenity wearing it as soon as I get it.
Don't forget to go have a look-see on Courtney's blog for all her latest updates and her newest post of Serenity!
Growing up with Rosy is a custom boutique line of clothing and jewelry created by Karen Deilke. She has some wonderful PDF patterns (with excellent step-by-step photos) on one of my favorite sewing websites, youcanmakethis.com. I have several of her patterns and they all have clear and concise instructions.
Her newest pattern, Ruffled Bum Capris ($9.95 on ycmt.com), was listed for sell just a few days ago. They are so cute and absolutely perfect for the Summer! Every little girl loves ruffles!
I made Serenity a pair today and they came out darling! I also made my very first rolled hem on my new Singer QuantumLock Serger. Yay for me! LoL!
[Okay here's a little side note about my serger. When I first got it I found it to be very intimidating (it's got FIVE threads for gosh sakes!), but I'm getting the hang of it. Like learning how to do a rolled hem - which was MUCH easier than I thought it would be, so I guess now that means I need to start tackling other stuff the thing can do! It has a very poor rating on Amazon.com - but mostly because of threading issues. I have no idea what those reviewers are talking about since I haven't had any problems threading my machine. In fact, I find it pretty easy to thread.]
Now that's off my chest, let's get back to the capris!
They came together pretty quick with no problems. The top and bottom edges of the ruffles have rolled hems, but you can just as easily hem them instead. You can customize the look of the capris however you want. You can add ruffles to the entire back, or to the top and bottom, or just to the bottom of the capris. I decided to do the top and bottom ruffles:
I had a wonderful Mother's Day! I spent time with my Mama, Daddy, Paige (my baby sister), LeAnn (my cousin who I've raised and is like a daughter to me) and Serenity. The only person missing was Terry, but he had to go back to work. He did get me a cool Mother's Day gift before he left: a brand new Garmin Nüvi 760. I love gadgets!
Daddy took all of us to eat at one of my favorite restaurants when I was a kid, Chester's Cypress Inn in Schriever. It's a very old restaurant - my Dad used to eat there when he was a kid! It's been open since the 1940's and they serve the most delicious fried chicken, frog legs, livers and shoe-string onion rings. Lots of fried foods - but oh so GOOD! I wish I had taken a picture of the restaurant but I didn't even think about it at the time! You can see the restaurant in the movie "Easy Rider" that was filmed in 1969! Neat, huh?
I did get some pictures of LeAnn and Serenity and I LOVE the way they turned out:
I've allowed too much time to past before posting again! My husband Terry was home for two weeks and we've all been busy spending time together doing all kinds of stuff! I'll be posting about that soon - along with lots of pictures! Terry just went back offshore for 8 weeks and not only will I miss him like crazy, but now I'll way have TOO much free time on my hands!
I'll be posting more about Serenity's hair cream later too; this time I wanted to post the pictures of Serenity's outfits that I talked about in "Cute Kiddie Stuff" post.
Since finding courtneycourtney on Etsy I've bought THREE of her beautiful and comfortable dresses for Serenity! They are darling and perfect for any little girl! Courtney's designs are so original and if your little girl is anything like Serenity, she'll think it's lots of twirly fun to wear one of her dresses!Serenity is wearing Courtney's new dragonfly silkscreen design - isn't it cute?! Courtney even posted pictures of Serenity on her blog. Go check them out! You'll find out Courtney's latest updates and see some awesome photo shots of the cutest little girls modeling her dresses!
This is Serenity's "I Am 2" dress. Serenity said, "Look! Number 2! 'Renity 2!" when she saw this!
And here's her "Captain Kidd" dress. I think this one is Serenity's favorite! She LOVES pirates! She ran around wearing this saying, "Pirate dress! Arrr!"
Another of my favorite shops is WhimsyRanch. Marie's leotards are just beautiful and soooo girly! I got Serenity one and she immediately wanted to put it on! Here's a picture of her wearing a stunning orange & aqua one: