I recently purchased Frog Legs and Ponytails' Caroline Dress PDF pattern for only $9.99.The pattern includes sizes 0-8 and a matching doll pattern! It's a beautiful dress and the instructions are very clear and detailed with a few helpful tips too. You can tell a lot of time and effort went into the making of this pattern.
Using the Caroline Dress pattern and inspired by ZoZoBugBaby's beautiful Karaleigh Dress, I made a lovely dress for Serenity last night. The Karaleigh Dress is similar to the Caroline Dress, but it has a gorgeous double ruffle at the bottom instead of a band. It's so girly and twirly! Both of the dresses are kinda like "pillowcase"dresses, but so much more charming! I am totally impressed at the wonderful fabric combinations Julie comes up with when she designs her clothes!
While my fabric combo isn't nearly as striking as Julie's, I think I did a pretty good job sewing my first "pillowcase" dress! I played around in Photoshop again using Pioneer Woman's free action sets: 1 & 2 and got these cool vintagey type results:

Please ignore the dog hair all over Serenity's dress! Gizmo (or Gizzy Mo!), my Japanese Chin, sheds like crazy and his longs white hairs really showed up on that black & while polka dot ruffle fabric!
POST-IT NOTE: ZoZoBugBaby's $10 skirt sale starts tomorrow at 8AM PST (or 10AM CST). Plan to hit her store during that time! Hurry and place your orders quick! Last time Julie's skirts went on sale, they sold within 3 minutes of posting!! I'm hoping I can grab a couple for Serenity before she sells out!! And don't for get to check out the ZoZoBugBaby blog for all of Julie's latest updates!
The Frog Legs and Ponytails' Caroline Dress PDF pattern was worth every penny too! If you're looking for an "uptown & classy" pillowcase dress pattern, then this pattern is the one to buy!
Have fun sewing!

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