LIKE dress by the original courtneycourtney
Mismatched shoes by Chooze
Lace leggings by Blackfeet Couture Bowtique
Mismatched shoes by Chooze
Lace leggings by Blackfeet Couture Bowtique
Looking at bubbles for Serenity on, I came across the Dip Stix Giant Bubble Grab and Go Kit by Extreme Bubbles.
We both loved it so much (and the mob of kids that surrounded us at the park), that I decided to post a review about it.
The kit includes a bottle of concentrated bubble solution, a reusable Ziploc baggie and a bubble wand.
You'll need to add 2 cups of water and the bubble solution in the baggie, close it, and then gently shake to mix.
The plastic wand requires a bit of easy assembly.
Simply stick the ends of the wand in the bubble solution and then insert them into the main part.
Dip the cotton wick into the solution and now you're ready to make some BIG bubbles!
Serenity got a kick trying to make the longest bubble she could before it would pop!
It helped that there was a little bit of wind that day too.
All she had to do was hold the wand open and let the wind do the rest!
Those big bubbles looked so cool - even when they popped!
The kit is a lot of fun - for kids and adults.
It's great for gifts and comes in a big 12-pack that would be perfect party favors.
It's great for gifts and comes in a big 12-pack that would be perfect party favors.
I especially like that the Ziploc baggie is pretty strong and can be used again and again for more trips to the park.
The bubbles are amazing so I bought more solution for the Summer.
Each bottle will make a full gallon of bubbles.
Serenity's LIKE dress is from the talented cournteycourtney and traveled around the country for a photo session with several sweethearts.
You can see more of the dress and the darling girls wearing them in courtneycourtney's LIKE Facebook album!
Have fun!