Monday, March 29, 2010

Serenity's Little Crochet Purse

Serenity's little voodoo dress was designed and sewn by courtneycourtney.
I crocheted the little purse and made the pretty matching butterfly clippie!

This is a very easy project - perfect for beginners!

Materials needed:
Clover Wonder Knitter (or Knitting Nancy)
Size I crochet hook
2 skeins of cotton yarn (I used Sugar 'n Cream)
Yarn needle
Felt (optional)
bits and pieces of different colored cotton yarn (optional)

Start off by doing a Foundation Single Crochet 6" wide. Futuregirl has the best picture and video tutorial I've ever seen! She breaks it down step by step and makes it so easy to learn.

Here's my finished 6" wide FSC piece.

*Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across*. Repeat from * until the piece measures 13" long.

(chain 3 counts as 1 dc)

Chain 3, turn, dc in each sc across.

Chain 3, turn, dc in each dc across.

Chain 3, turn, dc in the next 3 dc, skip 1 dc, chain 2, dc in the next dc and in each dc across until the last 5 dc, skip 1 dc, ch 2, dc in the next 4 dc.

Chain 1, turn. sc in the next 4 dc, 1 sc in ch-2 space, sc in each dc until the next ch-2 space, 1 sc in ch-2 space, sc in next 4 dc.

Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across.

Fasten off.

I used the Clover Wonder Knitter to make the strap for Serenity's purse. But there's no need to go out and buy one. The following directions are for crocheting the strap instead of using the WK.

FSC about 3" wide.

*Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across*. Repeat from * until the handle is as long as you want it. Fasten off.

Your finished piece should measure around 15" long. Fold the bottom piece up until the piece measures about 9" long.

Using the yarn needle, whip stitch both sides, and then attach the strap along the sides. Turn the purse inside out.

Close-up of the work I did on the little purse:

Sew on the buttons and any other embellishments that you'd like. On Serenity's multicolored purple purse, I attached a little felt bird and did a very simple embroidery stitch using some small pieces of cotton yarn. I got the idea to embroidery on the purse from Futuregirl - she makes some of the prettiest embroidered crochet handbags! She even offers the pattern for her awesome handbags for FREE!

That's it! Very simple.

If you don't know how to crochet, check out the tons of helpful videos on YouTube! It's not that hard - I promise!

While you're here, check out my other tutorials too!

Have fun!


  1. Okay! I totally love this and it makes me really want to try this. I think I might skip the knitting nancy since I know how to knit. I don't know how to crochet, but I gather that is easier than knitting. We will see. This is on my list of after Easter projects. Great job. Love the orange and yellow(or is it green?) version too. Very simple, but those buttons are fab!!

  2. So cute! I love the addition of the little felt bird and buttons!

  3. Too stinking cute! I LOVE to crochet, and am having an awesome crochet giveaway right now!

    Check out my awesome GIVEAWAY


    Meet Virginia Crafts
    Meet Virginia's Etsy Shop

  4. Very cute. But the medical part of my mommy brain worries about the long strap and the going over the head part.....seems like a bad accident waiting to happen. I would have to make my handle only long enough to go over the arm.

  5. Very cute.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!
