Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Taming That Mane!

I wanted to show the process of brushing Serenity's hair everyday. One day I'll post a video - when I get a tripod or someone to hold my camcorder for me while I'm fixing her hair!

Brushing Serenity's hair is a little time consuming - but it helps so much to have good products to cut the time down it takes to get all the tangles out.

These are the four products I use pretty much everyday (you can read more about them on my Biracial Hare Care post)

Curly Q's Milkshake
Curly Q's Moist Curls Moisturize/Detangler
Tangle Teezer
Palmer's Olive Oil

I don't always use Palmer's Olive oil every day, it depends on how dry Serenity's hair might be that day. When I do use it, I start with about a quarter size amount and I concentrate on the ends of her hair. I'm very careful I don't use too much. When her hair is especially dry, I add about a dime size of Olive oil or Jojoba oil all over her hair after adding Milkshake to lock in the moisture.

I like using Lavender Hair Mist I made too, but I tend to use that more to freshen up her curls.

I use the other three products every day. They are irreplaceable! If we're going somewhere, I like to Curly Q's Gel-les'c to hold Serenity's hair in place and help with the fizz, it works beautifully without weighing her hair down.

Okay here we go!

The first picture is how Serenity's hair looks after sleeping all night and before I've added anything to it. I didn't brush her hair before bedtime either, so it's especially poofy and tangley right now! It always reminds me of cotton candy when it looks like this - it feels so soft and fragile.

In the second picture I've added some Milkshake, Detangler, and a little Olive Oil on the ends. Look at her being silly!

In the next two pictures, I've divided her hair in sections. Notice I'm not exact - I've just tried to be as careful as possible separating her hair.

Then in the second picture, I've separated it even more - now I'll only be brushing small sections of her hair at a time. I used the Tangle Teezer to separate Serenity's hair into sections too, at this stage it works so much better than a comb.

In the picture below, you can see how a small section of her hair looks before I've brushed it, and then how it looks after I've used the Tangle Teezer to get the knots out.

In the first picture below, one half of Serenity's hair is all brushed - no more knots! You could pass a comb through her hair now!

Do you see the big difference between the finished side and the unfinished side of Serenity's hair in the second picture?
For the last step, I warm about a dime size of olive or jojoba oil in my palm and apply it all over her hair to help lock in the moisture.

Now here's my baby with her hair tamed, and looking so pretty, being silly and cheesing for the camera!

I really need to get some video so y'all can see how awesome these products work AND hear - 'cause Serenity sits quietly the whole time I'm fixing her hair. It's like magic the way the Tangle Teezer tackles those knots! Sometimes we hit a few rough spots and she lets me know! But it's nothing like using a traditional brush or different products - believe me I've tried.

I've tested lots of different hair products in Serenity's hair - and I'll probably test more in future to see if they do a good job, but I keep coming back to Curly Q's since that line is so wonderful and the results can't be beat. And no other brush has ever given such amazing results like the Tangle Teezer!

While you're here, check out my other tutorials too!

Have fun!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Serenity's Little Crochet Purse

Serenity's little voodoo dress was designed and sewn by courtneycourtney.
I crocheted the little purse and made the pretty matching butterfly clippie!

This is a very easy project - perfect for beginners!

Materials needed:
Clover Wonder Knitter (or Knitting Nancy)
Size I crochet hook
2 skeins of cotton yarn (I used Sugar 'n Cream)
Yarn needle
Felt (optional)
bits and pieces of different colored cotton yarn (optional)

Start off by doing a Foundation Single Crochet 6" wide. Futuregirl has the best picture and video tutorial I've ever seen! She breaks it down step by step and makes it so easy to learn.

Here's my finished 6" wide FSC piece.

*Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across*. Repeat from * until the piece measures 13" long.

(chain 3 counts as 1 dc)

Chain 3, turn, dc in each sc across.

Chain 3, turn, dc in each dc across.

Chain 3, turn, dc in the next 3 dc, skip 1 dc, chain 2, dc in the next dc and in each dc across until the last 5 dc, skip 1 dc, ch 2, dc in the next 4 dc.

Chain 1, turn. sc in the next 4 dc, 1 sc in ch-2 space, sc in each dc until the next ch-2 space, 1 sc in ch-2 space, sc in next 4 dc.

Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across.

Fasten off.

I used the Clover Wonder Knitter to make the strap for Serenity's purse. But there's no need to go out and buy one. The following directions are for crocheting the strap instead of using the WK.

FSC about 3" wide.

*Chain 1, turn, sc in each sc across*. Repeat from * until the handle is as long as you want it. Fasten off.

Your finished piece should measure around 15" long. Fold the bottom piece up until the piece measures about 9" long.

Using the yarn needle, whip stitch both sides, and then attach the strap along the sides. Turn the purse inside out.

Close-up of the work I did on the little purse:

Sew on the buttons and any other embellishments that you'd like. On Serenity's multicolored purple purse, I attached a little felt bird and did a very simple embroidery stitch using some small pieces of cotton yarn. I got the idea to embroidery on the purse from Futuregirl - she makes some of the prettiest embroidered crochet handbags! She even offers the pattern for her awesome handbags for FREE!

That's it! Very simple.

If you don't know how to crochet, check out the tons of helpful videos on YouTube! It's not that hard - I promise!

While you're here, check out my other tutorials too!

Have fun!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How to Use the Clover Wonder Knitter

The Clover Wonder Knitter (Hobby Lobby and Michael's, $8.99) is a neat little gadget that so easy to use. It's a modern Knitting Nancy. A Knitting Nancy isn't just for older people, it's also a great way to introduce children to basic knitting techniques!

Good Things for Girls has an activity kit that includes a sweet little French Knitting doll - I think it would be a fun Easter gift for your daughter, niece, or granddaughter.

Wayne's This and That has an interesting post about The Lost Art of Knitting Nancys. He provides a very detailed list of different Knitting Nancys, how to use one, make them, and he even tests a few pretty cool-looking Nancys.

When I bought my Clover Wonder Knitter, I was so disappointed with the directions. The images are B&W and tiny - okay for a reminder, but not to learn how to use it for the first time.

It gave me the idea to put together a very easy-to-follow picture tutorial.

Remember you can click on any picture to ZOOM in!

1. You're going to need the WK, yarn (I'm using cotton yarn) and scissors (not pictured).
2. In the rest of my pictures I'm knitting two threads of yarn at one time. These instructions are the same no matter if you're using one or two threads of yarn.
3. Place the end of the yarn into the WK.

2. You're going to wrap the yarn around each post in a clockwise direction.
3. Start with the post in front of the piece that holds your hook - wrap just like the first picture.
4. Then move on to the second post in a counterclockwise direction, and wrap like the second picture - in the same clockwise direction.

3. Now wrap the last post (clockwise) and anchor the yard on the little guide - it's right behind where the hook is stored.
4. You're going to hold the WK like I'm doing in the second picture. It's best in the beginning to keep a firm hold of the yarn coming out of the bottom of the WK and the yarn on the guide so the braid isn't too loose.
5. Use your thumb to turn the pink attachment as you knit. That will bring around the yarn you'll be working with on each post. Refer to the second picture.

6. Using your hook, pull the bottom loop over the loose yarn and then on the post.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the piece is as long a you want it.
8. Cut the end of your yarn - be sure to leave a long piece to work with.
(I'm sorry the second picture doesn't show my cut end better.)
9. You're going to continue to turn the pink attachment as normal to bring around the yarn you need to work in the next step.
(I put the cut end of the yard back on the guide in the following pictures.)

10. Insert the hook as usual in the bottom loop.
11. This time hook the loose yarn at the top and pull it all the way through the bottom loop.
12. Repeat steps 9-11 to work the next two posts the same way.

13. Once all the posts are finished, pop the yarn off carefully.
14. Pull the end to tighten.

All done!

Do you want to know what the braid I just created is for? Stay tuned for my next tutorial!!

Here's the new tutorial!

While you're here, check out my other tutorials too!

Have fun!

The Girl CreativeMakingSumo Sweet StuffGet your craft on Thurs.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday's Treasures: Week 15

Share your crafty ideas!

Welcome to the 15th week of Thursday's Treasures!
All ideas, tutorials, crafting projects, or recipes you've been working on are welcome!

Are you having a GIVEAWAY on your blog?
Share the news by posting a link here too!

You'll have until Tuesday 12AM to post your links this week.
So don't forget to post anything crafty you've been doing!!

Check out these great ideas and tutorials that were shared last week:

Too Cute Towel Hanger
via Aly&Ash Creations

My Candy Store
via House of Hepworths

Tutorial Tuesday: Spring Decoration
via Keeping It Simple

$15 Headboard Tutorial
via My Remodelaholic

Mod Podged Hand Trees
via At Second Street

Embellished Tee
via Freshly Squeezed

Baby Shorts to Clutch Purse
via Kitschalicious

Grow Flowers Frame
via Inspiring Creations Guest blogging at Someday Crafts

Play Kitchen from a Nightstand
via My Little Gems

Felt House Along Week 5: Post Office
via Sew Can Do

LOVE them all!
If I featured you, help yourself to a button!!


Thank you to everyone who participated last week for sharing!!


1. Click the "CLICK HERE" link below to add a permalink to your crafty project, idea and tutorial post - not your main blog. You can enter as many links as you'd like.

However, NO links to Etsy or Ebay stores please!

2. Copy the HTML code for my brand-new Thursday's Treasures button, and then add it to the post or on your blog to spread the fun.


What a cool way to share tons of ideas and crafts across the blogoshere and good way to promote your blog too!

All the links that get posted before the deadline will stay up indefinitely so you can always stop by to find them again!

Have fun!