Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Serenity LOVES Princess Tiana!

Serenity's Disney Princess Tiana nightgown and doll came in today.
They are both on sale right now, but the doll has sold out!

Of course Serenity was thrilled to get them!
She hasn't put the doll down since I gave it to her.

Both the gown and the doll are very well made and so pretty!
The doll is soft and cuddly and the fabric on her dress shimmers.

So does the fabric on the nightgown.
It's a size 2/3 and a little long on Serenity,
but I plan to take it in near the shoulders so she's not stepping on the hem so much.

Lately, all I've been hearing from Serenity is Princess Tiana this and Princess Tiana that.
She talks about seeing the movie, reading the book, and of course
getting anything remotely related to Princess Tiana!
So she was very excited when she saw her doll and nightgown.

She lit up like a Christmas tree!
And that makes me smile too!

TEN more days until The Princess and the Frog hits the theaters!!

Happy Holidays!


  1. ALL we talk about is the Princess and Frog!!!!!!!!!!!! so wish you lived closer.. the girls would have a BALL! LOVE THE PJS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. LOL, Mia was looking at your blog with me this morning and as soon as she saw Serenity she said, "Wook Mommy, she pways dwess up! Wook!" LOL! I really need to start sewing again...

  3. Adorable! My daughter would love a doll like that! Too bad it's sold out:(

  4. YAYYY! My 6 yr old loves her too! I was on amazon last night searching for fun Tiana stuff for her! Serenity is so adorable in her new gown!

  5. serenity looks so adorable and happy in that beautiful dress :)

  6. My daughter is completely in love with Tiana too! Can't wait to take her to the movie.
