Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ruffles & Stuff

I recently stumbled across the cutest blog called Ruffles & Stuff owned by the very talented Disney. She shares a ton of ideas, links to awesome blogs and wonderful pictures - especially the ones of her adorable little girl!

Today Disney featured my Child's Apron Using a Dishtowel & Potholder tute. I love how she put it in her sidebar - I wonder if it would be okay if I borrowed that idea?! You can check out all of her previously featured ideas and tutorials here too.

Disney's newest post is of a pink and brown Christmas tree made from felt and cotton fabric for her daughter to decorate. She made ornaments for the tree out of ribbon and felt. It's so creative and a great way for your little one to decorate their very own Christmas tree - over and over!

Just the other day Serenity was asking me for a Christmas tree to put in her room (has your child asked you for one too?) - a felt & fabric tree like over at Ruffles & Stuff would be perfect for her!

Happy Holidays!


  1. Hey! I just wanted to tell you I love your blog! Maybe one day I will be able to do some of this stuff, but for now I love looking at your amazing creations! Your daughter is gorgeous!

  2. I love Disney's blog too! Why can't we all live in the same neighborhood. Instead of borrowing sugar or eggs we could borrow fabric!

  3. Wow, thank you so much for all those sweet compliments!! I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. And yes! Of course you may "borrow" any idea that you like from there! :o)
    Have a great day!
