Monday, November 30, 2009

Sew a Child's Potholder & Dishtowel Apron

I've been wanting to make one of these ever since I saw one like it over at Dollar Store Crafts and Trey and Lucy!
Someday Crafts has a really cute version too!

I sewed my apron kinda different though.

Here's how:

Materials Needed:
Dishtowel - 18"w x 28"l ($3.50 @Wal-Mart)
Potholder (2/$1 @Wal-Mart)
hem gauge or sewing gauge (I forgot to add it to the picture!)
seam ripper (I forgot to put it in the picture

Turn the towel sideways, and fold it in half. It'll measure 14"w x 18"l.
Cut off a 2"w strip from the top of the towel.

Then cut a 4"w strip.

Your towel should now measure 28"w x 10"l - unfolded.
Cut your 2" strip in half, then set aside for now - these will be your neck straps.

Lay the 4" piece with the right side down.
Fold over the raw edge 1/2" on both sides (use your hem or sewing gauge), and iron.

Fold the piece in half and iron again.

Fold the piece in half (side to side) to determine the center - mark with a pin.
This will be the waistband.

Set your machine to a gathering stitch, or the longest stitch.

Sew the raw edge of the dishtowel.

Turn the potholder
sideways, and gather the dishtowel (by pulling the bobbin thread), until it's the same width as the potholder.

After it's gathered, fold the dishtowel in half to find the center - mark with a pin.

Match up the center pins, open the waistband and pin the center of the pieces together.

Sandwich the rest of the gathers inside the waistband.
Pin down using a
LOT of pins!

Starting at one end of the waistband, sew all the way to the other end about 1/4" from the edge.

It's starting to look really cute, and you could stop right
here (don't forget to top-stitch the top edge of the waistband) for a quick and easy "barkeeper's apron". Okay, maybe not the right word usage, but I have no clue what the little short kitchen aprons are called!!
Uh, little short cute kitchen aprons?!

Anyways, add some lace, a pocket or other cutesy stuff to dress it up a bit!


Flip the apron over so you're looking at the wrong side.
Put the potholder,
with the right side down in the center of the gathered part of the apron (eyeball it) - the loop needs to be pointing down.
Make sure the bottom of the potholder lines up with the bottom of the waistband and pin.

Starting at the edge of the potholder, top-stitch 1/4" from the top edge of the waistband - remember to back-stitch at the beginning and end.
Sew over your stitches once more to make sure it's secure.

Starting at the edge of the potholder, go over the stitches in the waistband holding the gathers in place - remember to back-stitch at the beginning and end.

Here's how the apron looks so far!

Next step, use your seam ripper to take out all the seams on both of the neck straps.

Iron the neck straps flat, then fold them in half (longways with right sides facing), and iron again.

Sew 1/4" on the long sides - leave the shorter sides alone for now.

Turn inside out and iron flat.

Tuck about 1/4" fabric inside both ends of the straps.

Iron flat.

Top-stitch 1/4" from the edge all the way around both straps.

Arrange the straps evenly along the top of the pot holder (on the wrong side).
Again, I just eyeballed it.

Set your machine to a triple stitch.
If you don't have this setting, just sew over your stitches two or three times.

Sew over the potholder's original stitches on the right side.
Do the best you can, if you're using matching thread you won't have to worry about being exact.

All done!

Wouldn't this apron make a wonderful Christmas present?
It only costs $4 to make and a little bit
of your time - not bad, huh?!
Hmmm, I'm thinking an applique of Serenity's hand(s) would look cute on the potholder!
Whatcha' think?
To add a little flair, sew on pockets, bows, lace, and/or buttons too!

Serenity is still small so I was able to tie the waistband straps into a knot around her waist. But you could add Velcro, snaps, or buttons (and I'll probably add one of those) as your child grows or if you have an older child.
Here's another apron I made. This time I added lace along the bottom edge, a bow I made using the Mini Bowdabra ('cause I can't make them on my own!), a couple of buttons, and an applique I made by tracing Serenity's hand (like I did here). I used KAMSnaps on the straps so they don't have to be tied when she puts it on.
I didn't add a pocket, but I might later.
The little extras didn't cost me anything extra either - I already had everything I needed!
I love how it came out too - it looks kinda retro, don't ya think?

Have fun!!

DIY Day @ ASPTLBCD Show and tellgiveawaysgiveawaysSumo Sweet Stuff Making Beyond The Picket FenceJoin us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Angie, I just LOVE this idea! Great idea for Christmas. Mia LOVES to help me bake brownies and anything else in the kitchen, and think she'd have fun having her own little apron. YOu're so crafty! I need to get myself to WalMart ASAP...its so much harder with two, LOL! Oh, I posted some new pics FIY :)

  2. CUTE CUTE CUTE!! I've seen these done but this is by far the cutest!

  3. Wow now that's really fun and inexpensive. I'd have never thought to use a hot pad.

  4. The little apron is really cute but the little one wearing it is just so adorable! First time visiting your sweet place here ~ Very nice!
    Kindly, ldh

  5. great idea, i love making something out of something else. i can't wait to try this, thanks for posting the tutorial, it was very thorough.

  6. HA HA. this is so cute I can hardly get over it...


  7. Cute and what a sweet little model too!

  8. Sooo cute! And such a cute little girl! :)

  9. I dont know what is cuter, the apron or the kid wearing it! (the kid of course!)
    But that apron is very adorable

  10. Oh that is GREAT! So cute and so is your model! Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  11. It turned out cute! Mine was the snowflake one from Dollar Store Crafts. The kids I gave them to for Christmas loved getting aprons. :)

  12. What a cute idea, your little model is even more adorable--love that sweet little face.


  13. That sassy modle of yours is so cute! And so are the aprons! What a great idea!

  14. Aaaand, I linked this one, too. :>) Whew! My 2.5 year old loves to help wash the dishes, and we both end up pretty damp by the end. She has a little freebie apron that isn't nearly this cute... Looks like I have some stitching to do!

  15. I just wanted you to know that I featured this at:

  16. Just found your blog. I love the apron.

  17. Thanks for linking up to Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts!

  18. Love your idea. I am making an apron from matching potholder and hand towel. I will use your basic ideas. I feel confident now. my first time to see your blog. Keep up the good fun! Thank you. Grandma Linda
