Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Magic Coloring Wand Tutorial

While looking for number and letter silicone molds to make crayons (check out my post here), I found this darling Ice Princess Star Wand silicone mold ($8 & free s/h w/Prime).

How cute would that be for a crayon/pencil color wand?! After I got all those crayons for 25¢ a box, I went back and grabbed some pencil colors for only 75¢ a box (12 pencils) by CrazArt; the Crayola brand was $1 a box.

You can click on any of the following pictures to ZOOM in.

Princess Star Wand silicone mold
X-Acto knife or razor blade
Pencil colors

Remove the plastic straws from the mold.

Using the X-Acto knife or a razor blade, remove the crayon labels.
Thank you Ashley for the tip!

Break up the crayons and put all "like colors" together (thank you to Crafterella for the tip), and fill both of the big stars with the pieces.
Place in a 200 degree oven to melt.

While the crayons are melting, sharpen the pencils until they are the same size as the straws.

Once the crayons have melted, place the pencils in the grooves, then put the tray in the ice box until the crayons are firm.
I put too many crayon pieces in the molds and the wax got into the straw grooves. No problem! Next time I won't use so much.

Pop out of the molds! Scrap off the extra wax - or not! No biggie.
Let 'em cool a little longer if necessary.
Ta da! All done!

Give 'em to your Darling Stinker!

POST-IT-NOTE: These would make fun party favors!!

Have fun!

The Girl Creative http://www.thethriftyhome.comDIY Day @ ASPTL


  1. YAY!!!!! I am so going to do this!

  2. This is such an awesome idea!

  3. What a great idea! I might try this for party favors. Awesome!

  4. Wow, that's so cool! Those wands are just too cute, I bet she loves them!

  5. I love this and all the variations that a person could do. I will feature this on in the next couple of days. Thansk..

  6. great idea. I can't wait to do this project!

  7. I love this idea, my kids are going to think I am the best. thanks for the inspiration.
    Cha Cha

  8. Very fun! Reminds me of the bake-lite ovens we used to have for rubbery toys!

    Good job!

    Nice to meet you...stop on by!


  9. That's awesome. It never occurred to me that the ice trays could go into the oven. Thanks!

  10. That is a really cute idea! And yes, these would be great as party favors!

  11. Those are sooo adorable, I have a little boy myself but I'm definitely bookmarking this for my nieces.

    I didn't read through all of the comments so someone may have already given you this particular tip....

    I melt down crayons as often as I can (it's super addicting, lol) and I think what would help with the overflow on this particular project and also help to "hide" the pencil would be to melt the crayons first and then pour them into the mold. I use tin cans (vegetable or soda cans will do) and just set them on the burner for a few seconds, pick them up with some oven mits and pour into the molds, if you melt the colors down separately and then pour them in a few seconds apart you still get the marbled look, or if you keep the crayons really melted you can use a paint brush to paint details.
