Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Oranges

I've been looking for some cute way to package treats for Serenity's dance class - around 20 little girls!

So it had to be something quick and easy.

Then I came across these adorable little oranges dressed up to look like pumpkins!

Momtastic made them for Halloween decor - but I thought they would be cute treats to hand out too!

It's a fun activity that you and your kids can to together.

I checked to make sure the marker didn't bleed through the rind onto the meat - so the oranges are safe to eat!

Sharpie (or any black marker, I used a dry erase one)
glue gun & glue

Draw on the faces.
I tried a Sharpie at first, but it stopped working so I used a dry erase marker.
It worked but I had to go over the markings again once it dried.

Cut 4 strips of yarn about 3" long.

Put a strip of hot glue at the top of the orange.

Lay the yarn on top of the glue.

Put another strip of glue on top of the yarn.

Pinch the yarn together until the glue dries.

Our "Pumpkin Patch"!
One draw back, my dry erase marker dried up completely by time I finished all the oranges (I made 33).
Maybe next time I'll try a Sharpie Magnum Marker ($1.05 free shipping w/Prime)!

Have fun!