Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to Photoshop Tinkerbell in your Child's Hands

This technique is so easy and very cute!

1. Take a picture of your child smiling down at her cupped hands.
2. Find a picture of Tink online and save to your computer. I used this picture:

3. Open Photoshop. Go ahead and do any editing to your child's photo first.
4. Click, "file, open" to load Tink's picture into Photoshop. You might need to resize Tink's photo to make her small. I actually didn't need to using the picture above.
5. Using the lasso tool and getting as close to Tink as possible, outline her entire body.
6. Next click, "edit, copy"
7. Click the PS window with your child's photo, and then click, "edit, paste".
8. Using the move tool, position Tinkerbell in your child's hands.
9. Select the eraser tool, then hold down the "ctrl" key while pressing "+" key to zoom in on your picture (ctrl + "+"), and ctrl + "-" to zoom back out when you're finished.
10. Carefully go all around Tink with the eraser tool to completely get rid of the original white background. Use the shortcut, "]" and "[" to change the eraser size.
11. Save your picture, show your Darling Stinker (and watch her face light up), and don't forget to share with friends and family!

Have fun!
