Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grow With Me Gift: Two Weeks Later

This is the Grow With Me Gift kit after two weeks. If you missed my other posts about the GWMG kit - click here and here to check them out!

Serenity loves taking care of her plant, as you can see!

Look how much it has grown! We've been keeping it in the kitchen and it's doing great!
I've noticed three flower pods, so it looks like we'll have flowers soon!
Serenity is going to be so excited!

Don't forget to get your Grow With Me Gift kit today!

If you guessed Serenity's darling bubble dress was made by courtneycourtney, then you're right!!

Have fun!


  1. Angela! it grew soo fast!!! Brianna just looked and said, "Wow and look at her Dora Table" Your dolly is a joy to watch! She too is getting soo big!

  2. i like your new header!!! and i looove serenity with her hair tied back....brings out her oh so cute face...

  3. she's just delightful! I love following her adventures :D

  4. What a cutie! I love the dress too!

  5. Love your blog! It's fun to see what you create... you remind me of me...if I had more time on my hands! Lol... Great stuff! (btw...we have that same Dora table & chairs! lol!)
