Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grow With Me Gifts

Grow With Me Gifts ($4 plus s/h), is a wonderful kit filled with two beautiful Paperwhite bulbs, gravel, marbles, two decorated sticks (to support the plants as they grow) in a pretty glass vase, instructions and two cute coloring pages! Kim sent the kit for Serenity, and let me tell you it was one of the best activities for her!

Serenity was immediately interested when she saw glass vase and all the cool stuff that came with it. The activity held (and kept) her attention for the entire time it took to complete the project. She listened and followed all the instructions, and had a huge sense of accomplishment and pride when she was finished!

I was totally amazed! Anyone with kids knows how hard it is for a 3 year old to concentrate on anything - so it's fabulous when I can find something for her that grabs her attention for longer than a couple of minutes. You can tell Kim has a child around Serenity's age, 'cause she knew just what it took to keep kids interested! I can't wait until the Paperwhites start to grow and see Serenity's continued enjoyment in the whole process. I'll post updates too.

Serenity thought all those marbles were "beautiful"! In the third picture below, she's right in the middle of saying "it beautiful Mommy".

Serenity's checking out the kit, then she removed the bulbs and cute flower-shaped marbles in Fall colors. They kinda look like flat pumpkins - really cute!

Now she's putting the bulbs in the gravel, adding a bit of water, and then arranging the pumpkin marbles "just so"!

All done! She was so excited that she did it!

Go check out Grow With Me Gifts over on Etsy. If you decide to buy the kit for your little one, you can share your progress, tips and pictures with others on Grow With Me Gifts' Facebook page too!

Thank you so much Kim for this awesome project!!

Serenity's dress was made by courtneycourtney!

Have fun!


  1. What a cute little activity! I'm sure my little Mia would love it too :)Did you make Serenity's dress?

  2. P.S. I had a few photoshoots this weekend if you want to check'em out :)

  3. Such a cute idea! Going over there now!

  4. Thanks so much Angela! We will make more for thw store this week -- that will be fun! Thanks Again!

  5. Serenity's dress is another one by courtneycourtney - I just can't get enough of them! In fact - I got another one tonight!!
